Yard Sale
We had our yearly yard sale today. Yes, once of year we get rid of all of the junk that has been accumulating or all of the projects that never got finished and pile it all onto our driveway. I find that there are two kinds of people in this world those who don't like yard sales and those that do. I have always loved bargain hunting and searching for things that I can fix up and make new again. I equate myself to a pirate searching for gold in the vast sea of yard sales that take place on any given Saturday morning. I always find the best treasures burried under ugly paint or unpolished brass. I always take my first mate Mady with me, it's fun to watch her as she digs through chests of toys to find the one gems she can add to her artillary. And I am happy to oblige her as the cost of her new found treasure is usually under $1.00. We scour the coastal yard sales early and the hit the inland sales on our way home. Today however we gave our day to offering our lost treasures to those who would find a new one. We didn't do quite as well as we had hoped, we have been pretty good about getting rid of things lately. But it was great to talk to the neighbors and to interact with the people who came to shop. I actually was able to clip some of my jasmine for a muslim lady and talk to her and her husband about the Lord. So the Lord had his hand our day and rewarded me with a little less junk and a heart full of joy.