Monday, January 12, 2009

There is Something Cooking in There.

Yes that's right everyone I am pregnant! About 10 weeks. I have been throwing up every couple of hours. And trying to stay hydrated but it all keeps coming up. Please pray for grace for me. And that I wouldn't have to go to the hospital with this one. Just trying to figure out how to still cook meals and do the laundry with barfing all over everything.


Ginger said...

hang in there mama! I am rejoicing for you and the new babe--oh, sorry about missing your call (and not returning it) my kiddies stayed sick for a bit. love you and miss you already!

sarah said...

Oh, Congratulations! That is so exciting!! Will be praying for you!

Billie said...

I haven't blogged in a while and I was soooo excited to see your news this morning. How great! I will be praying for you. Wish I could come over and read you a story. love you.