Christmas Traditions
We have a few traditions in our family, the first is that Jim reads the Christmas story from Luke to our family on Christmas Eve night. The second is that on that same night we gather the Christmas cards that have been sent to us and put them into a basket and we draw three cards and then we pray for those families/people. This year I am especially excited to share our traditions because my mom and dad are coming on Christmas Eve. Mady knows that Christmas will be here when Big Daddy and Big Mommy get here. This year I am so thankful for all that God has blessed us with but most of all for my family. The kids are so young and at times it can be so hard but it doesn't matter because God has given more than I ever deserved. So what are your Christmas traditions? I would like to hear from all of you.
those r great
Thanks for sharing, Les,those are sweet traditions. We are starting ours this year, and who knows, maybe add to it as the years come. We always exchange an ornament on christmas eve. Mark and I have built up our collection that way and now the kids get one, too. On christmas morning, we'll read the christmas story from Reids bible while snuggling on the couch with hot tea for everyone. We then want to pray a bit together. After the presents, Mark's parents come over for brunch(we did this last year) I want to begin a Jesse tree advent but dont have the items for it yet. I hope to do it next year. Also, Mel showed me this "Happy Birthday Jesus" cake with a lot of symbolism that I want to do, but again, thats for next year. Ah, I love traditions. :)
Well, the kids love their advent calendars and getting chocolate first thing in the morning : ) We just bought the Playmobil Nativity set and when we set it up we read the Christmas story and re-enacted it...the kids seemed to like it and I've overheard Christian repeating parts of it w/ the little people. This year we are going to think of others in our traditions...we will string popcorn and cranberries and make peanut butter pine cones and go into the woods and leave them for the animals. We are also making candy and cookies for the holidays and on Christmas day we will deliver a plate to the local fire department to thank them for keeping us safe. We also do a Jesus birthday can be as simple as a coffee cake w/ a candle to eat that morning w/ coffee...and of course we leave Santa cookies and milk and the reindeer some nuts. Next year I'd like to get an advent wreath. I love the idea of sharing ideas...thanks Leslie.
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