Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fire Storm

As most of you know we were evacuated for a couple of days from our house in San Diego. Although we are still under a mandatory evacuation from our neighborhood we are back home as of last night. The big witch fire is north of us about 8 miles and to the east of us about 10 miles. Jim and I both feel okay about being here for now, we obviously are watching the tele for updates. So far all the families in our church have been accounted for, and no one has lost their home, PRAISE GOD! A few are on the border of the fires and there is concern now about another fire north of here called the rice fire that could get homes up in north escondido. Also the fire south of here is threatening homes in east county. But as for us we are safe and are home today just cleaning up all the ash off of our back patio, spraying down all the furniture and swing set,etc. I accidently left a window open so there was ash in the house as well that I just finished cleaning up. It's pretty dirty and I constantly feel thirsty from the air quality being so poor. Thank you all for your prayers, Jim obviously is not working right now so please pray for the Lord to provide for us finiancially as there is no money coming in now or in the near future, a bit scary as the first of the month is rolling around. We are trusting in His faithfulness to us. I will keep you posted. Love to you all and am so grateful for all the calls and emails.


Billie said...

Thanks for the update Leslie. I am still praying for you guys. Call me whenever you want. Love you.

Ginger said...

Im so glad you are back to your home! The dirty ashes are nothing compared Im sure. I hope its all down hill from here..thanks for the update. Ive been thinking about you a lot, watching the tv too for any updates and maybe to catch you and Jim on there...thankfully not!! Ill be praying for God provisions here you les

Kate Van said...

oh I so glad to 'hear' from you. your friends back east are praying for you!

Sara said...

so glad to hear your ok. We are praying for you guys. Please call if you need anything. Love you,

AmyB said...

We are praying for you guys Leslie!!! So glad to hear that your home is still ok. Love to you guys!

Judy said...

I'm relieved to hear you guys are ok!!! Keep us updated. Much love to you. :)

Bethany said...

We are praying

Leslie said...

Thank you for your prayers, they are so greatly needed!!! I love you all and am thankful for each of you and for the way you are lifting us up right now!

Jenn D said...

God is faithful....look at the body of prayers for your family! So its my turn to jump on the wagon to Praise God for keeping ya'll and your home and all your church families homes mom, eddie and I have all been praying steadily for ya'll! And I thank God for the internet to know whats going on with you! We will continue to pray for restoration and revival and financial provision!
Lov much and can't wait to see ya'll in less than 60 days!